Getting inspired and generating idea’s … how do you do that?

Maybe you do not have any problems at all with getting idea's, but it is something that often comes back in my practice as a teacher. "Miss, I have no idea what to make." Or I hear: "I'm not doing anything today because I have no inspiration." With my adolescent students at the last hour of the day, the latter usually just means: "I don't feel like it." :) There are many different ways to gain inspiration. Below is a list of different ways to get the engine up and running again. Because I think that is the most important thing, generate a spark arises that will bring you…

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Making art is not an endpoint, it is an adventurous route

Everybody can make art But not everyone realizes that quite some perseverance is needed. A work of art doesn't suddenly appear. It is hard work, even if it looks like a simple work of art, there is often a lot to do beforehand. To be creative you need a certain mindset. First of all, you have to be a bit cocky... preferably stubborn. This will activate your imagination and you can challenge the status quo and ask yourself: "Why?" And "How?". That can lead to a: "This is better / nicer / more interesting / etc.". Everyone can do this. Sometimes you just have to wake up the inner teenager. ;) If you use your imagination, you…

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How pencils are made

If you pick up pencils to draw, you usually do not think about how they were made. You have an idea, you pick up a pencil and start drawing. The final product, the drawing is most important. As an art fanatic, I sometimes realize that the tools that I use have already traveled a long way. At most pencil factories, the quality of the product is carefully considered so that I (and you) do not have to think about it but can immediately start drawing (or painting). This means that in a factory or office, people are testing whether the pencils are good in color and texture. The video below…

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Creativity is a way of thinking

I know, this is a drawing website, but not only drawing is an expression of creativity. Being creative is a way of thinking. Solving problems and looking at the world in a different way is creative. In the video below, Katerina Kamprani shows how she uses her creativity to look at the world in a different way. You can see more examples of her work on the website about her project The Uncomfortable.   Divergent thinking  Katerina's way of thinking is a good example of divergent thinking. This means that you do not think in one solution, but that you can interpret a question in several ways. Children aged 5…

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7 reasons why sketching is more important then drawing

  It seems to be a contradictory claim because making a beautiful drawing is often the ultimate goal. Nevertheless, I think it is extremely important to be able to make a good sketch. Perhaps this is more important than being able to draw nicely.   Huh, isn't this a website to learn how to draw better? Yes, that's right, but I have 7 reasons why sketching is an incredibly important part of drawing. You have to be good at sketching before you can make really good drawings. Okay, first the 7 reasons, then I explain them below. It is easier to start again. Sketching creates less character stress. You…

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Drawing is important for everybody!

What came first, text or drawings? Everyone who ever saw a picture of a cavemen drawing knows the answer to this. Drawing is something we have done for a long time. And although modern man sometimes tries to deny it, it is very important to who we are. Looking We are visual creatures. We look at everything and everybody if we get the chance. With large sunglasses on a sunny day or in our digital meeting places, like Facebook, Instagram, Google Steetview, etc. We look at the world around us and have opinions about it! Right now we are bombarded with a large amount of images. Just for fun,…

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How to start: Portrait drawing for beginners

Let's start with some basic rules: The eyes are in the middle of the face. The nose is on the half of the bottom half of the face. The hairline is on the half of the upper half of the face. The lips are under the nose, just a little above the middle of the bottom quart. How do you start? Start with a vertical line on paper, then put a shorter horizontal line in the middle of this line. Now connect the ends of the lines with sketch lines, this way you draw the oval for the shape of the face. Note, put light sketch lines because these…

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Color theory, is Johannes Itten all you need to know or is there more?

Did you ever mix colors and wondered what you did wrong? Was the result dark and dirty colors? Did you think you made a mistake? You didn't! There is a secret that is not told too often you need to know about! Color theory sounds hard, and it can be complicated. But if you start at the beginning it is not so hard.   Colour theory Primary colours The primary colors are red, blue and yellow. The most used scheme is the color wheel from Itten. Primary colors can not be created. But with these colors, you can make all other colors. At least, in theory, practice is a…

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Warming-up for drawing. Three excises

Maybe you never thought about it, but for drawing it is a very good idea to warm-up before you begin. How should you begin? You can randomly scribble on a paper and then begin drawing. But I have a few more drawing tips for you. Why should you warm-up? Why do you need to do a warming-up for drawing? Of course, you do not háve to! But it is very useful when the muscles in your hand and arm completely at your disposal. Compare it with darts. If you are just starting, you are happy if you hit the dartboard at all. The more you practice you get the…

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Pencils: Pencils have different hardnesses and can be used for various drawing techniques. Hardness A pencil is ground graphite mixed with clay and water. With oil or wax is pressed between the timber. If there is more clay in the mix, the pencil is harder. If less clay is used the pencil is less hard and gives off more color. 9B is a very soft pencil, even if you put it lightly on paper, it will quickly leave a dark line. 9H is a very hard pencil and thus you can put very light lines. It will be difficult to get a very dark line, you will have to press…

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